all hands meeting Slovakia

European National Competence Centres in HPC meeting held

From 22 to 24 March 2024, National Competence Centres in HPC (NCC) met, including the Czech one. The main topic of the event was a deeper connection between the National Competence Centres in HPC (NCC) and the Centres of Excellence (CoE), which deal with codes for European supercomputers. This year, NCC Slovakia invited representatives of each organisation from across Europe to Štrbské Pleso in the High Tatras.

While the National Competence Centres facilitate access to supercomputing technologies for companies, scientists, and public institutions, the Centres of Excellence develop and modify existing computer codes and applications so that they can be used at exascale computing power. (Note: exascale power corresponds to one billion billions – quintillion – operations per second).

The codes, which are produced by more than 10 European Centres of Excellence under the umbrella of the pan-European EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, are accessible to users across the European NCC network. Researchers and industry can use them to address their current challenges in areas as diverse as climate and weather, drug design, engineering, and astrophysics.

“This meeting was a unique opportunity to meet personally with various partners from the European supercomputing network. Thanks to this, new collaborations and projects can be established, and best practices as well as challenges and opportunities are shared,” summarised Kateřina Beranová, Communications Specialist at the National Competence Centre in HPC in the Czech Republic.

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EuroHPC Summit 2024, Antwerp Belgium

EuroHPC JU Summit 2024: The Science-Industry Nexus is Gaining Momentum

Collaboration between enterprises and scientists in high-performance computing (HPC), simulation, data analysis, and AI was a major topic at this year’s EuroHPC JU Summit. Panel discussions focused on the needs and challenges that businesses face in relation to the use of high-performance computing. Moreover, the fact that even humanities-focused projects are increasingly benefiting from the use of HPC was also emphasised.

“The use of supercomputers can help better understand us as human beings,” said Professor Julie M. Birkholz of Ghent University, who cooperates with the Royal Library of Belgium, in the first panel discussion on the conference’s third day. However, it is often the case that scientists based in the humanities and social sciences have neither experience with digital technologies nor with data analysis and supercomputers – they are thus reluctant to use them.

Yet collaboration between scientists across scientific fields yields valuable results. “For example, the automatic detection of data from historical handwritten records will help address climate issues. In turn, data from demographic and sociological measurements and journals can help address societal issues,” says Julie Birkholz. Of course, significant added value is also created by integrating scientific knowledge with industry and real-life applications.

Enterprises want to use the European supercomputing network,

but they need to be granted easy access


Last year’s EuroHPC Summit identified the need for intensive cooperation with industry. A year later, we better understand the needs and opportunities to enable SMEs or AI communities to access supercomputing technologies better. These are the tools that will allow them to grow and increase their efficiency.

Thanks to the European supercomputing network, enterprises appreciate that they can use the most advanced technology available. The field of supercomputing and AI is evolving rapidly, and it would be too expensive and challenging for SMEs to run their supercomputer. At the same time, they can use various specific architectures in the network instead of just one.

The conference showed that the pressing issues for enterprises include easy access to supercomputing clusters through unified software and services across different operators, real-time technical support, and data retention and security.

The traditional European HPC, AI, and QC community meeting was attended by EU political leaders, representatives of supercomputing centres, including IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, and industrial companies. The four-day summit took place in Antwerp, Belgium, from 18 to 21 March and was attended by 700 visitors.

For more, please read the IT4Innovations (IT4I) website. You will learn, for example, about the panel on energy efficiency of supercomputing systems, where one of the speakers was Ondřej Vysocký from the IT4I Infrastructure Research Lab.

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EuroHPC JU Access Call for AI and Data-Intensive Applications(4)

New Call for Enterprise: Get Compute Time for AI and Big Data Projects

EuroHPC JU has opened a new call for industry, SMEs, start-ups and the public sector to access supercomputing resources for working with Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Big Data.
The call focuses on supporting ethical AI, generative AI, big language models, machine learning and general big data-intensive applications.

This allows Czech businesses to get 1 year of free computing time on European supercomputers in two rounds:

✅ develop and test their AI applications,
✅ train own big language models LLM,
✅ work on machine learning ML,
✅ and data-intensive applications.


You can register your projects through 2 waves:
until April 15, 2024
until June 14, 2024

Do you want to help with the application process and increase your chances of acceptance?
Do not hesitate to contact us.

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The Startup Festival: Supercomputers as a Means to Accelerate Innovation (not only) for Startups

At the beginning of March, we promoted the National Competence Centre in HPC and our services at the Startup Festival 2024 in Prague. It was an opportunity for us to show startups and early-stage projects that their growth can be accelerated by supercomputers.

At the trade fair booth, we met with startups and discussed, for example, possible uses for supercomputers, current calls for computational resources, and cascade funding opportunities.

We were also thrilled to have convinced some Startup Festival participants that supercomputers are no science-fiction technology. They are just very powerful computers that can be used very well in practice across fields – from agriculture, industry, and healthcare to architecture and software development.

Besides the stand, Tomáš Karásek, Head of the National Competence Centre in HPC, gave a lecture on “Supercomputers as a means to accelerate innovation (not only) for startups.”

Moreover, we had an opportunity to promote the possibilities of high-performance computing for Czech businesses through a mini-interview for the Roklen24 portal.

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Training service survey


The courses of the National Competence Centre for HPC are designed to reflect the requirements of our users. We are planning our future training programme, and your feedback is crucial to us.

Developing a new training program that will advance your knowledge and skills in the fast-growing field of high-performance computing is impossible without your help.

We would like to ask you to complete this survey. It will take you approx. 10 minutes.

Also, we encourage you to distribute the questionnaire to communities interested in quality training in the areas of high-performance computing (HPC), high-performance data analysis (HPDA), artificial intelligence (AI), and quantum computing (QC).

Thank you in advance for taking the time to take the survey.

We look forward to hearing your perspective, opinions and comments.

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Quantum Computing Seminar Series

Quantum Computing Seminar Series

With the support of the National Competence Centre for HPC Czech Republic, IT4Innovation’s Quantum Computing Laboratory with the Education and Training Team has prepared a series of five advanced quantum computing seminars.

Lecturers will guide participants through the theoretical foundations of quantum computing and its practical implementation.

Time & Topic Overview:

15 February 2024 I Seminar No. 1: Discrimination of Quantum Operators I HYBRID

11 April 2024 I Seminar No. 2: Quantum Chemistry on NISQ Quantum Computers I HYBRID

13 June 2024 I Seminar No. 3: Solving Optimisation Problems Using The NISQ Era Quantum Computers I HYBRID

26 September 2024 I Seminar No. 4: Coherent control of light-driven electrons in solids:
a milestone for multiqubit computing?

14 November 2024 I Seminar No. 5: Topic to be announced I HYBRID

Feel free to share this Quantum Computing Seminar Series with your community.

And do not hesitate to contact us at for more information.

We look forward to seeing you on the attendance list.

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Unique_summit_ostrava_ncc_czechia (5)

National Competence Centre at the Unique Summit Ostrava

At this year’s Unique Summitu in Ostrava, more than 500 Czech and European startups had an excellent opportunity to learn more about how the National Competence Centre (NCC) can facilitate their access to supercomputing technologies at the “Supercomputers and Artificial Intelligence for Startups” workshop.

The workshop was conducted by colleagues from IT4Innovations – Tomáš Karásek from the NCC, Martin Duda from the EDIH, and Jan Martinovič from ADAS. They talked not only about our services but also about successfully implemented real-life collaborations, thanks to which we managed to introduce companies to the possibilities of using supercomputers.

Thanks to our know-how, we can move those interested in high-performance computing in the right direction. For less experienced but also professional users of supercomputers, we offer services that allow them to access interesting projects, challenges, data, and hardware.

Should you be interested in what benefits supercomputers can bring to your project or company, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This year, it was the 4th edition of the international Unique Summit event. It took place from 22 to 24 November in the premises of the Lower Vítkovice area and the City Campus of the University of Ostrava in cooperation with the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre (MSIC). The event aims to create a unique platform for startups, investors, and policymakers to accelerate innovation, drive economic growth, and shape the future.


The National Competence Centre in HPC to be presented at the ANSYS Conference

The ANSYS Conference, a meeting of the ANSYS numerical simulation tool users from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, takes place on 25-27 October (OREA Congress Hotel, Brno, Czech Republic). Well, all indications are that it is going to be an exciting event, and the National Competence Centre in HPC (NCC) will also be there.

Will you take part? Do not miss the NCC booth. Tomáš Karásek, the Czech NCC coordinator, will introduce the services of the centre, explain the possibilities of using supercomputers on currently implemented projects and introduce you to the prospects of possible cooperation.

The event is organized annually by SVS FEM (supplier of Ansys software for the Czech and Slovak markets) in cooperation with Ansys Inc and CADFEM GmbH. The number of participants and the number of both system and user lectures make it one of the largest industry conferences in the European Union.


The AI Days are coming, this time in Ostrava too!

The second edition of the AI Days event titled Four Weeks, Four Cities & Artificial Intelligence will also take place in Ostrava for the first time, from 23-29 October. This year, the National Competence Centre in HPC (NCC) is taking part as well.

The AI Days were held for the first time in Brno last year, and this year, the event will also take place in Prague, Pilsen, and Ostrava. And it is the Ostrava part that the NCC will participate in – on Tuesday, 24 October, in the conference rooms of the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre. Are you interested in the possibilities of using supercomputers not only in the field of artificial intelligence? What are the currently implemented projects, and how to establish cooperation? Tomáš Karásek, the NCC coordinator in the Czech Republic, will be happy to answer these and other questions on the spot.

The AI Days will offer lectures, workshops, presentations, and an interesting accompanying programme. The event’s focal point is the introduction of artificial intelligence in relation to current events and the development of this technology. The AI Days are intended not only for those interested in industry, public administration, and academia but also for the general public. In other words, for all those interested not only in AI itself but particularly in its use across fields of human activity and in different contexts.