5.–7. 6. 2023
Slovenská akadémie ved v Bratislavě
The future of National Competence Centres lies in intensive cooperation with the industry
Lectures, panel discussions, and project presentations. Over five hundred representatives from the field of HPC attended the EuroHPC Summit in Göteborg, Sweden (20-23 March). On the last day of the event, a workshop of Centres of Excellence and National Competence Centres (NCCs) was held, where the coordinator of the Czech NCC, Tomáš Karásek from IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center, was also present.
In addition to presentations of selected centres, success stories were also discussed (see examples of NCC Czech Republic here). Discussions included, among others, the need for more intensive cooperation with partners from the industry, raising awareness of the services of competence centres, and issues affecting high-performance computing. One of the crucial topics for the future that was discussed was the improvement of accessibility for users and the consequent need for better clarity and communication of available services. The need to address the reduction of energy consumption in the operation of the centres was also mentioned.
The EuroHPC Summit is one of the most important conferences in the field of high-performance computing. It has been held annually since 2016, and this year, for the first time, the main organiser was the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU).
A photo gallery from the meeting can be found HERE.